As third-party aggregate, we at Bigship known to provide a reliable shipping services to the e commerce’s, it is important to provide the clients with best shipping services on all the orders. Providing multiple carriers for shipping is preferred by all the ecommerce entrepreneurs. We at bigship provides you multiple carriers on a single platform. You can choose, compare and find out the best carrier for delivery of your specific order. The customer expectations and carriers’ services are changing rapidly. So, adapting multi carrier service to ensure customer satisfaction has become significant part. Having multiple carrier partners will benefit the client in several ways. The customers can choose and find out the best carrier services for their specific order. To ensure the customer satisfaction and best shipment service we at Big ship provides our customer partners with multiple carrier services. We are integrated with pioneer logistic companies eKart, DotZot, XpressBees, Delhivery, Shadowfax and many more. You can choose the best suited for shipping your orders as all the associates provides with different features and offers.
The solution to most of your shipment problems, sorts out when you have a courier partners, which have multiple associated courier service provider. Tying up with different courier partners become an expensive and burdened task for the courier companies. Getting associated with one courier service have multiple benefits.
Shipping with multiple courier partners can be absolute boon for the growth of your business.