When the customer places an order, we understand curiosity and impatience filling the customers' mind as we all want our order as soon as possible. In the world of technology, online shoppers' expectations are increasing from ecommerce for shipments of their orders. In this technological era, commerce is putting the best efforts to use the technology and let the customer know everything about their order just after placing their order. A mail and message reach the customer about their package details, price and estimated delivery of the parcel. The customers get their AWB number or order id on their mail to track their order through the provided link, and you can track the order even in the app or the website from which you have placed the order.
The customers can check the status and movement of your parcel, and the tracking system is updated from time to time about every step towards its journey to the final destination.
To know your order- Click here
Why it is important to know about your order-
You can even contact the customer care of a courier company or ecommerce to know about your order.
Bigship understands the need of the customer to know everything about their order. With Bigship's automated shipment tracking and prediction, you will get all your order tracking the prediction. You will get every detail of your parcel through your AWB (AIRWAY BILL) Or order ID on the panel of Big ship. The customers and merchants can track the RTO or NDR of the deliveries.